Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jessica Simpson and Late Night Infomercials

TJ went to bed at an uncustomary early hour leaving me in charge of the remote. After the late night news, I didn't turn the channel from one of those celebrity-paparazzi shows. The featured subject of ridicule was poor Miss Jessica Simpson. It seems Miss Jessica has gained a bit of weight as depicted by a photo of her as Daisy Duke compared to a recent shot. While a little more curvy, I hardly think she can be classified as fat, and I bet by most people's standards she is good looking. At least her skin is still clear. I have been both fat and had bad skin, all at the same time, and let me tell you; I would take fat over bad skin any day. Now at my heaviest (mercifully, many years ago) I had by-passed plump, chunky, and curvaceous, and gone straight to my dad's weight. Let me tell you, that was NOT a pretty sight! You could have landed an airplane on my derriere. But, at least when you're fat, you can keep your hair and make up impeccable, and wear clothes that minimize those "trouble spots". There is nothing that can be done with a face full of zits. I had to withstand nearly a full year of twice a week visits to the dermatologist, and it still took two rounds of Accutane to clear up my acne from hell. At least Pro-Active seems to be working for Miss Jessica. I say we should all just get off of her and maybe the weight will come off and the skin will stay clear. Jessica is becoming my new Anna Nicole Smith. Seems like a sweet girl, not terribly bright, and you just want someone to be nice to her.

After the t.v. version of the National Inquirer, I switched channels and landed on a very long-winded infomercial hosted by Tony Orlando. Tony, and some other lady I didn't recognize, were pimping a big set of Cd's featuring the best of 70s lite radio. I laughed to myself and squirmed as the t.v. ticked off the choruses from songs by Bread, Johnny Mathis, The 5th Dimension, and John Denver. Some of it was good stuff: Carly Simon, Carole King, and Star Buck. It did go on and on, and yet I could not turn the channel. Long story short, I think there must have been a subliminal message in that infomercial because I ended up calling the 800 number and buying the whole set for 150.00 !! I was brain-washed by Tony Orlando! I vacillated between putting the cheesiest of the cheese, and something you might actually like on here. I will let you decide.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Pro Motor Sports Park

Not from far from where we live a developer is proposing to build a motor sports park. This has raised an uproar with a very vocal group in the county. To say they are opposed to it is an understatement. We have read about the park and may likely be affected by the traffic, and perhaps we may also be able to hear it. Still, we are for it being developed.

We do sympathasize with the people who live across the street from the park's proposed location and we believe the county should impose measures on the developer, which would mitigate the impact on the neighbors. The county infrastructure would benefit from the impact fees and the tax revenue. I wonder how many opponents to the park were arguing with the county tax assessor about their increased property tax rates. Business development would certainly off set some of those taxes. In this tough economy, it is hard for us to be opposed to something that would bring jobs to the area. We think the project fits in well with the area's stock car racing heritage. Maybe it will be a good place to drive the Mustang!

Bascially, property owners have rights. We don't live in a sub-division. Our home and business are at the same location and at some point in the future we may want to utilize our property for more than what it is now. There is a large tract of woods adjacent to my property, which used to be even larger until it was split into two pieces. The tract not contiguous with my land has been developed into a sub-division, although at this point, houses are yet to be built. Just a few weeks ago, I saw four people carrying clip boards scouting the land on the other side of the property line. I surmised they were surveyors. Would I like the property behind me to remain undistrubed woods forever, sure! But, I know that is not realistic. So long as my property deveolpment rights are respected, I will respect the rights of others.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Unhappy People at the Happiest Place on Earth

Recently TJ and I returned from our yearly February trek to Florida. We had the good fortune to stay at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge, which is one of their newest resorts. The accomodations were lovely and it was Chamber of Commerce weather the entire trip. We seem to return to Disney every year because their usual bend-over-backwards service always makes for a lovely and relaxing vacation.

One of the perks to staying on Disney property is use of their transporation and we had ventured out to the bus stop one afternoon with plans to visit one of the parks. Our bus pulled up and we waited to board along with another couple and a man. However, we could not immediately embark due a male and female blocking the entry as they stood near the driver giving him six kinds of hell. From what we could glean from all the ruckus, was the bus load of people thought they were going to the Beach Club resort. We noticed the bus was marked Blizzard Beach/Hollywood Studios when we boarded.

Finally, the couple took their seats and allowed us all to board. The acrimony aboard the bus continued at a dull roar, so our driver (whom we learned was named George) asked the passengers if anyone wanted to go to Blizzard Beach Water Park, and no one did. He then asked all of us new passengers if we would mind if he diverted to the Beach Club resort and we all agreed because the vibe on the bus was becoming toxic.

TJ, the other gentlemen who had boarded with us, and I were talking among ourselves about just how ridiculous some of these people were being. Two women and one man were actually shouting taunts at poor George! Surely, we thought the biggest cry-babies would simmer down once George announced he would be going directly to the Beach Club. Not the case though, because one pernicious woman, who seemed to be the instigator, was on her cell phone demanding to speak to the Disney transportation manager. This situation had by-passed pathetic and was now something quite serious because the instigator's cohort was now on the phone telling wild lies to whom I could only assume was someone from transportation. This nefarious bee-aach was telling whomever that George had made stops at Animal Kingdom Park (lie), Blizzard Beach (lie), and Hollywood Studios Park (lie). Mercifully, we did arrive at Beach Club, and put these spoiled brats out. The three biggest miscreants continued to shout insults at George as the departed.

TJ and the other gentleman made their own calls to the transportation department to defend George, who had maintained his professionalism by not responding to the insults, and then immediately solved the problem by taking the non-readers to the correct location. It has been a long time since I have seen so many people, in one place, who were in such dire need of a Red Bull and Vodka!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Saying Good Bye to a Friend

About two weeks ago I received a very sad email from my aunt and uncle. Their much loved kitty, Drew passed away. Drew had not been feeling well for about four days and numerous trips to the vet did little in the way of recovery. During the night, Drew found a safe hiding place in the loft, and passed away. Heart broken did not begin to describe their anguish.

As a devoted pet parent myself, I could sympathize with their loss. It did not matter that Drew had spent 13 years in their loving home, or that he spared them the emotional burden of having to make the hard decision to end his pain. No matter how long you have your pet; it is never long enough. I believe that in some respects, it is more difficult to lose a pet than a person because your pets never disappoint you, and sometimes people, even those you love, do.

I sent my condolences and made a donation to their local humane society in memory of Drew. I know from having lost my own pets, that with time, their pain will lessen, and fond memories with take it's place. I encouraged them to consider getting a new kitty when the time was right. While there will never be another Drewster, there is a new kitty waiting to be their friend,and they will be saving a life.